8,000 miles per second: A short-lived orbital star orbiting a black hole found.
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Researchers at the University of Cologne and the University of Masaryk in Brno (Czech Republic) have discovered the fastest known star, orbiting the black hole at a recorded time. The star, S4716, orbits the Sagittarius A *, a black hole in the center of our Milky Way, for four years and reaches a speed of 8,000 miles per second. The S4716 reaches close to 100 AU (a star unit) in a black hole — a small distance by astronomical standards. One AU covers 149,597,870 miles.The Astrophysical Journal published the study. Near the dark hole in the center of our galaxy lies a cluster of dense galaxies. This cluster, called the S cluster, is home to more than a hundred stars that vary in brightness and size. The S stars are moving very fast. S2 was described as acting like a huge man in front of you in a theater, blocking your view of what's important. Florian Peissker, lead author of a new study. The S2 thus frequently blocks the view of the galactic center. However, in short we can see the surrounding area of the central black hole." By continuing to refine analytical methods, as well as visions covering nearly two decades, the scientist has now unequivocally identified a star around a large black hole in the middle in just four years. A total of five telescopes saw the star, four of the five being combined into one large telescope to allow for a more precise and detailed observation. It was completely unexpected for the star to be travelling so quickly, approaching so close to a large black hole, and following a stable course. indicated the limit that may be reached. seen with traditional telescopes,” says Peissker. In addition, this discovery sheds new light on the origin and emergence of a fast-moving star in the heart of the Milky Way. "In the short term, the compact orbit of the S4716 is strange," said Michael Zajaček, a astronomer at Masaryk University in Brno who participated in the study. Near the black hole, stars could not easily develop. Observation of S4716 — A Star with a 4-Year Orbit Around Sgr A *, by Florian Peißker et al., Astrophysical Journal (2022).. DOI: 10.3847 / 1538-4357 / ac752f Provided by Universität zu Köln Quoted: 8,000 miles per second: The shortest orbital star around the black hole found (2022, July 5) was discovered 7 July 2022 from https://phys.org/news/2022-07-kilometers-star- shortest-orbital- period.html This text is subject to copyright. Without any proper transaction for the purpose of private research or research, no part may be reproduced without our written permission. Content is provided for informational purposes only.